Although oats were familiar to me, used to relate them to baby food or for seniors. It never went through my mind eating oats in the morning. The truth is that oatmeal is not the most popular food for breakfast, and most of people do not know what they're missing, it is beyond versatile and also its commercial value is low, easy affordable for everyone.
Oatmeal is a powerful source of energy. It remains intact after the washing and roasting process, preserving their essential fiber and nutrients. It is also delicious served with fruit, honey, almond milk (or the milk of your choice), and as flour can replace wheat flour for baking.
- Low cholesterol : a cup of cooked oatmeal is the perfect way to start the day, is almost mandatory for people with heart and diabetic diseases. Contains a specific type of fiber known as beta -glucan , which levels the cholesterol. A daily serving of oatmeal lowers cholesterol from 8 to 23 %. Consuming foods rich in fiber such as oats, helps prevent heart disease.
- A study at Tufts University and published in The Journal of Nutrition confirms that oats contain antioxidants called Avenanthramides , which are only found in oats. These help to prevent free radicals from damaging LDL cholesterol , reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Oats contains manganese , selenium, phosphorus, fiber, magnesium, and zinc. Oats are also rich in carotenoids, tocols (vitamin E) and flavonoids.
- Oats have a higher fiber content. Fiber is necessary to keep your bowels on track. Oats are rich in soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. Is spongy and absorbs many times its own weight in liquid. This speeds up the passage through the gut, relieving constipation.
- Although oats do not contain gluten, sometimes may have traces because sometimes is grown in the same fields as wheat and barley, these crops can contaminate oats with gluten. Therefore, those who suffer from gluten intolerance should buy " gluten free", there are many brands with this specification in the package.
- Oatmeal makes you feel satisfied for longer, which helps control appetite and lose weight.
- It has been shown in scientific studies that oats regulates metabolism and improves performance when taken 45 minutes to 1 hour before practicing any exercise in moderate intensity.
Now,do you realize as we have underestimated oatmeal? It's time to bring it back to our food.
Embora conhecesse a aveia, associava-a sempre com comida para bebé ou para idosos, nem me lembrava que existia. Não me passava pela mente comer aveia logo pela manhã. A verdade é que a aveia não é o alimento mais popular, mas acreditem, não sabem o que estão a perder, versatil na hora de cozinhar, além de ser acessível a qualquer bolso.
A aveia é uma poderosa fonte de energia, permanece intacta após a lavagem e processo de torrefação. Assim, preservando a sua fibra e nutrientes essenciais. Torna-se deliciosa, quando acompanhada com frutas, mel, leite de amêndoa (ou qualquer outro da sua preferência).
Moida pode substituir a farinha tradicional, permintindo fazer bolos, queques, entre outros, igualando as farinhas refinadas, que tanto mal fazem à nossa saúde.